Heng Siok Tian
Heng Siok Tian has five collections: Crossing the Chopsticks and Other Poems (1993)My City, My Canvas (1999) and, Contouring, (2004), Is my body a myth (2011) and Mixing Tongues (2011).
She co-authored The Adopted: Stories from Angkor (2015) and Lost Bodies: Poems between Portugal and home (2016).
Her poems have been anthologised in Love and Life at the Gallery (2020), The Nature of Poetry (2019), Seven Hundred Lines: A Crown of found//fount sonnets (2019), Contour: A lyric cartography of Singapore (2019)), Eye/Feel/Write (2017), Written Country: The History of Singapore through Literature (2016), Sound of Mind (2014), Little Things (2013), And Words (2010), Moving Worlds (2010), Fifty on 50 (2009), Tumasik (2009), Speaking for myself: An Anthology of Asian Women’s Writing (2009), La Traductiere (2009), Ars Interpres (2007) ,Over There (2007),Harvest International (2006/2007), Idea to Ideal (2004), Love Gathers All: A Philippines-Singapore Anthology of Love Poems (2002), No Other City: An Anthology of Urban Poetry (2000), More Than Half the Sky (1998), Journeys: Words, Home and Nation (1995), The Calling of the Kindred (1993), Singapore: Places, Poems, Paintings (1992), New Voices in Southeast Asia (1991) and Words for the 25th (1990). One of her short stories was translated into Italian and published by Isbn Edizioni (2005).
Besides her published poetry and short stories, her short play, The Lift, staged in 1991, was read at the Third International Women Playwrights’ Conference in Adelaide in 1994.
In 2000, she was a Fellow with the Iowa International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, USA on a National Arts Council Fellowship. She participated in literary events in China (1999), USA (2000), Philippines (2001), Stockholm and Sweden (2007) and France (2012).
She holds a Masters of Arts in Literature (National University of Singapore), a Masters of Science in Information Studies (Nanyang Technological University) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (National Institute of Education).
The Gifted Education Branch of the Ministry of Education recognized her contribution to the Creative Arts Programme with the Distinguished CAPer and Outstanding Mentor awards. She was on their Selection Panel and contributed as a Facilitator and Mentor from 1991 to the present.
A teacher by profession, she received the National Day Award for Long Service in 2015.